6. October 2020
16.00 – 17.30

Digital Natives and the Information Universe

Ajda Pretnar
Digital Natives and the Information Universe

Free entrance

In Slovenian

Digital natives is a term coined by Marc Prensky to denote the generations growing up with the ever-present technologies and the World Wide Web. Skilful in the fast handling of every technological innovation, digital natives confidently navigate the world of social networks, web browsers and applications, being used to having all the information at hand. Despite the world's knowledge being so accessible in the form of Wikipedia-like websites, we are facing an increase of disinformation, conspiracy theories and so-called “ready-made” experts. Do we know how to separate true from false or have we reached the point of information overload where only the most bizarre, the most bombastic and shocking news is able to reach us?

The lecture is part of the programme accompanying Nora Turato’s exhibition eto ti na (here you go), curated by Vladimir Vidmar. The exhibition is on display from 11 September to 8 November at the International Centre of Graphic Arts in Ljubljana.

Production: MGLC – International Centre Of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana; support; Ministry of Culture, City of Ljubljana.


