Everything Is Alright
Nataša Živković, Sara Šabec
Everything Is Alright
2021, 70′
In Slovenian with English subtitles
5 € (ticket reservations and sales at the venue)
In 2021, the year of lockdowns, the high school students selected at the audition studied school as an institution. They were interested in the established school order and its effect on their growing up. What is alright about school and what is not? What does it teach us beyond its set objectives? What happens outside the official curriculum? What do teachers do (sub)consciously and (un)intentionally? What goes on in hallways during breaks? What do we start taking for granted? Which values are promoted by schools and which values should be promoted instead? What kind of school do we strive towards and how can we change it?
Co-authored and performed by: Špela Čekada, Petja Golec Horvat, Neža Ana Goričar, Tara Klemenčič Belšak, Pika Kovač, Dominik Križ, Laura Penšek Kozmelj, Žak Može, Filip Perpar, Ela Romih, Sinja Smokvina
The performance will be followed by Zbor za publiko
The performance can also be seen on:
Friday, 22. 10., at 15.30.