12. October 2020
18.00 – 19.00

Maryanne Amacher, Beatriz Ferreyra, Elisabeth Schimana

Maryanne Amacher, Beatriz Ferreyra, Elisabeth Schimana
Interpretations of electroacoustic music from the past and the present

10 / 8 €

Maryanne Amacher: Remainder [excerpt] (14′55′′)
Maryanne Amacher’s work anticipated many concerns and interests of the 21st century sound art. Her electroacoustic composition Remainder (1976) was commissioned for the Merce Cunningham Dance Company piece Torse and later for the Charles Atlas film of the same name. We will listen to an excerpt from the composition.

Beatriz Ferreyra: Un fil invisible (18′00′′)
The composition Un fil invisible (2009) by the Argentinian composer of electroacoustic music Beatriz Ferreyra is dedicated to the French composer Christine Groult. This piece was inspired by various stages of medieval alchemy. The alchemical process is one of transformation, whose actual subject is the alchemist himself. Here, the process is inextricably tangled with the transformation of sounds and the very structure of the piece. 

Elisabeth Schimana: Into the Sun, multi-channel piece (approx. 30′00′′)
Since 1960, we have known that the sun is oscillating. Helioseismology is the study of oscillation waves through the sun and allows astrophysicists to develop extremely detailed profiles of the interior conditions of the sun. The inspiration for the artistic work is the idea that the sun is a huge resonating body for sound waves traveling to the interior of the sun and being reflected, as well as the awareness of taking a look into the past by observing the processes on and in the sun – a paradox working with the medium of sound, which can only be experienced in the present. A new work commissioned by Zavod Sploh.

Before the concert, at 18.30, Lona Gaikis is going to present the book Hidden Alliances – versteckt verbunden in the same venue.


Production: Zavod Sploh and Cankarjev dom, in cooperation with City of Women; support: Austrian Cultural Forum Ljubljana, City of Ljubljana, Ministry of Culture.
