7. October 2020

Xenological Entanglements. 001a: Trying Plastic Variations

Adriana Knouf
Xenological Entanglements. 001a: Trying Plastic Variations

Lecture performance

Free entrance
In English

The  livestream of the event can be followed on the festival website as well as outside the Kapelica Gallery (in the passage way of Kersnikova 4-6).

Xenological Entanglements is a multi-year project exploring the xenomogrification of the tranxxeno body. With altered scientific technologies the artist makes herself the other. In 001. Eromatase at the Kapelica Gallery/Kersnikova Institute, the artist aims to genetically engineer testicular cells (known as Leydig cells) to overproduce oestrogen within a microgravity context. Growing out of the artist’s desire to be one of the first transgender people in space, Eromatase begins to construct the necessary tools for a DIY space biology programme, including instrument construction and novel genetic engineering techniques.

Premiering at the City of Women festival, 001a: Trying Plastic Variations is a lecture performance that frames this project within previous enactments of self-experimentation with her voice, hormones, and the audacity of tranxxeno imaginaries of outer space. With vocal transmutations based on the artist’s own self-directed arduous voice training, meditations on her prior work that has orbited the Earth aboard the International Space Station, and early discoveries from the Eromatase project, the lecture-performance will enact novel constellations of the body that arise from an understanding of its malleability.


The residency was developed as part of the Biofriction project. Production: Kapelica Gallery/Kersnikova Institute; co-production: City of Women. Special thanks: Department of Art + Design, Northeastern University. Supported by: the European Union – Creative Europe, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Municipality of Ljubljana – Department for Culture.
