I Believe In The Purest Love Of God And Child
De La Lyre, for this exhibition, has transformed a self-portrait into something
quite ‘marvellous’ and magical. You don’t need to look for clues as
Rose-Gabriel clearly and with sophistication marks and charts the secret
universe of religion as it affects her, her interpretation and soul. This image
provides the stepping-stone for belief in the surreal existence of religious
theology or dogma (it’s a matter of choice) in light of the ever popular New
Age attentions to paganism and magic. There is magic in this portrait, as it
calls to mind the unquestioning of belief, the devotion of followers of
religion, and one might wonder whether this artist is signifying something
personal and mystical or whether this is a doorway for you to ask of yourself –
in what do I believe? (Predrag Pajdic)
Organisation: City of Women; In collaboration with: Škuc Gallery.