1. October 2020
7.30 – 9.30

8 March Every Day: Teaching Methods and Materials for Equal Opportunities

Expert meeting

The meeting is dedicated to diverse, active and targeted methods, teaching materials and tools to provide girls and boys with equal opportunities in education and later on in their professional and public life. The participants will get to know the methods for encouraging girls and boys to take part in in-depth discussions on reasons for inequality, learn about gender equality efforts, participate in school and after-school activities on an equal footing, and enrol in secondary (vocational) and higher education programmes on equal terms.

The meeting is aimed at professionals working in primary (the last triad), secondary and vocational schools and other educators: youth workers, NGO arts education programme managers, etc. Organisation-wide teams are welcome to attend.


9.30 Opening address
9.50–10.40: Veronika TašnerEqual Opportunities for Girls and Boys in Education – lecture (also via livestream on this website, no registration necessary)
10.40–11.20: Tea HvalaUrška JežEqual Opportunities for Girls and Boys – moderated discussion after the lecture
Break (10 min)
11.30–12.10: Tea Hvala: #8MarchEveryDay – interactive presentation of teaching materials (quiz)
Lunch (50 min)
13.00–13.40: Alenka VelerIrena Duša DražNepozabne: ženske, ki so premikale meje našega sveta (The Unforgettable: The Women Pushing the Boundaries of Our World) – presentation of the book and teaching materials (also via livestream on this website, no registration necessary)
13.40–14.20: Gabrijela Ivanov (online): Fierce Women – presentation of the teaching tool (card game) and teaching materials
Break (10 min)
14.30–15.30: Urška Jež, Tea Hvala: Arts Education for Equal Opportunities  moderated discussion on the possible ways of incorporating the presented methods, materials and tools into teaching
Break (20 min)
15.50–17.30: Tanja Komadina, Alenka Veler: The Unforgettable – guided tour of the virtual 3D exhibition of portrait illustrations from the book The Unforgettable: The Women Pushing the Boundaries of Our World about important female pioneers who have left their mark on Slovenian history

The venue is accessible to persons with physical disabilities.

The number of participants is limited. Applications can be submitted by 18 September 2020 using the (Slovenian only) application form. After you submit your application, you will receive an email containing practical information and a pro forma invoice with City of Women’s bank details to pay the participation fee in the amount of 33,00 €, which includes lunch and a guided tour of the exhibition. The payment deadline is 25 September 2020. The cancellation deadline is on the same day, 25 September 2020. Cancellations and any questions about the meeting can be sent to: tea.hvala@cityofwomen.org.

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Production: City of Women, as part of the European project Women on Women co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union. Coproduction: Mladinska knjiga, Pionirski dom, Divja Misel Institute/Vodnik Homestead Gallery, Ljubljana; supported by: Ministry of Public Administration, Ministry of Culture, City of Ljubljana (candidate for the European Capital of Culture 2025).

Artists and collaborators
Tanja Komadina
Veronika Tašner
Irena Duša Draž
Sara Šabec
Alenka Veler