Presentation of the Corneous Stories student research project and publication
Presentation of the Corneous Stories student research project and publication
Free entrance
In English
The video streaming of the event can be followed on the festival website.
Led by mentor Petja Grafenauer, the student interdisciplinary research included University of Ljubljana students from different faculties and fields of study. Through interdisciplinary methods of mutually researching cosmetics and beauty labour from the perspectives of history, art, sociology, ethnography, chemistry, cosmetics, and economy, they were introduced to art history analysis, critical contextual analysis of visual culture and everyday practices, various forms of presenting research findings, as well as the basics of journalism and public speaking.
Students also prepared the Corneous Stories: Cosmetics in Society and Time book which merges the presentation of the research project and its findings with the international group exhibition and the arts education program accompanying it.
The project and the book will be presented by Petja Grafenauer, Svetlana Slapšak, Katja Kobolt, Jerneja Erhatič, Rebeka Hvala, Jaka Juhant, Petra Lapajne, Ana Obid, Zdenka Pandžić, Neja Rakušček, Lucija Šerak and Iza Štrumbelj Oblak.
Organised by: City of Women, in co-operation with the Academy of Fine Arts and Design – University of Ljubljana. The student research project “Project Work with the Non-Economic and Non-Profit Sector – Students Innovative Projects for the Benefit of Society 2019/2020” is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Social Fund.