Drawing: Barbara Kapelj
Drawing: Barbara Kapelj
21. June 2021
19.00 – 20.00

Rooms of Their Own – the First 100 Years

Rooms of Their Own – the First 100 Years
Round-table discussion

In Slovenian
Free admission

Virginia Woolf used her metaphor of a room of one’s own to depict the time a woman dedicates to herself, not to others. The women who helped create Barbare Kapelj's exhibition project Rooms of Their Own: Lea Aymard, Eva D. Bahovec, Ivana Djilas, Alenka Kreč Bricel, Ema Kugler, Tamara Lašič Jurković, Urša MenartSuzana Tratnik and Metka Zupanič. Moderated by Tjaša Pureber

At 20.00, the discussion will be followed by the opening of the exhibition project Rooms of Their Own

Reservations: rezervacije@cityofwomen.org

Project author: Barbara Kapelj; co-authors: Borut Savski and Stefan Doepner; curator: Iva Kovač; production: City of Women; co-production: Cirkulacija 2, Zavod Generator and Založba /*cf. Support: Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Public Administration, and Municipality of Ljubljana.




Artists and collaborators
Barbara Kapelj
Lea Aymard
Tamara Lašič Jurković
Tjaša Pureber
Suzana Tratnik
Alenka Kreč Bricel
Urša Menart
Metka Zupanič
Stefan Doepner
Borut Savski
Ivana Djilas
Eva D. Bahovec
Video: Tina Šulc