Novel | in Slovene | 1985
Highlighted books

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit

Women and Trafficking
Collection | English | 2004

Chicken and Birds
Novel | Slovene | 2020

Migration - Globalization - European Union
Publication | in English and Slovene | 2003

Vampires and Violets: Lesbians in the Cinema
Nonfiction | Slovenska | 1992

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
Nonfiction | Slovene | 1792

Novel | Slovene | 2020

Minorities for Minorities
Publication | in Croatian | 2010

Frauen in der europäischen
Theory | Slovene | 2000

Novel | Slovene | 2020

The Subjection of Women
Essay | in English | 1869

Men's Fantasies
Collection | in Slovene | 1997

Gender and Nation
Nonfiction | Slovene | 1997

Real Life
Novel | Slovene | 2020

Rainbow Families Go To School
in Slovene | 2012

Revolution at Point Zero
Theory | English | 2012

Sexual/Textual Politics
Theory | Slovene | 1985

Le Deuxième Sexe
Feminist Philosophy | in Slovene | 1949

Women and Discrimination
Collection | Slovene | 1986

Can you hear me?
Novel | Slovene | 2020

Us and Them
Publication | in Slovene | 2005

Women Icons of the 20th Century
Nonfiction | Slovene | 2000

The Bourgeois
Theory | Slovene | 2015
Teoretik Franco Moretti v delu Buržuj na materialistično historični način raziskuje odnos med literaturo, kapitalizmom in buržoazno družbo.