
Biba Buba Baja. Creating (for) the Child of Socialism

How did artists picture the child of socialism? Selected works from the golden age of children’s literature

After the horrors of the Second World War and the determined fight for freedom in the framework of the People’s liberation war (NOB), the idea of childhood as a special stage in life played a decisive role in the reconstruction and development of post-war society at home and abroad. The "century of the child" coincided with the century of the book. The book, the magazine, the newspaper and the associated illustrations accompanied children as they grew up.

The children of socialism, especially in the growing cities, actively participated  in the reconstruction of their homeland after the experiences of the war, began to play more, attend kindergarten and school, play sports and engage in cultural activities, extend their right to health,  social protection and care, began to receive gifts from Grandfather Frost and became citizens of the world.

Education, cultural upbringing and especially literature for children, who made up almost half of the population at the time, provided a space for creativity for a range of cultural workers. Through word, sound, image, puppetry or movement, it was thus creativity for (and with) children that opened the doors of the art world to those to whom it had previously remained mostly closed: women and children of the broad masses.

The high points of creativity and literature for children at this time – in terms of original production, the establishment of translation and production links and (infra)structures, and in terms of abundance and accessibility – are now viewed differently. By participating in this development, the producers for children have not only helped to shape the images of childhood, but also the ideas of a new society and world. Like torches of a bygone future, they were passed into the hands of the children of yesteryear, when the future was still shimmering on the world's horizon.

Biba Buba Baja. Creating (for) the Child of Socialism presents the child of the second half of the 20th century and selected artists for children in Slovenia and the former Yugoslavia from a contemporary perspective through an exhibition with a selection of publications, illustrations and positions in contemporary art, as well as  film and educational programmes and lectures.


Admission to the exhibition and events is free (with the exception of the film programme at the Slovenian Cinematheque).