12. oktober 2016
14.00 – 18.00

Pismo za Haseebo


Švedska in Srbija / 2015 / 30'
Performans ena-na-ena

Švedinja Nina Marković Matthis in Haseeba Kareyja,
begunka iz Sirije, izmenjata med Haseebinim begom
iz države, ki jo je razdejala vojna, niz pisem.

Kratko delo o evropskih sanjah o Drugem.

»Najbolj elementarni fantazmatični prizor ni
fascinantni prizor, ki si ga ogledamo, temveč
misel, da ‘je tam zunaj nekdo, ki si nas ogleduje’;
to niso sanje, temveč misel, da ‘smo objekti v
sanjah nekoga drugega’.«

– S. Žižek

V angleščini.

Vstopnice: 7 € / 5 € (vstopnica velja tudi za performans Jagodna polja za vedno)

Produkcija: Bombina Bombast in FyraBen, s podporo Švedskega
sveta za kulturo, Regionalnega sveta Skåne in Oddelka za
kulturo v Malmöju.

Organizacija: Mesto žensk. V sodelovanju z Bunker / Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana.


A Letter to Haseeba


Sweden and Serbia / 2015 / 30'
Performance one-to-one

Nina Markovič Matthis, a Swede, and Haseeba
Kareya, a Syrian refugee, exchange a series of letters
during Haseeba’s escape from the war-torn country.

Short piece about the European dream of the Other.

“The most elementary fantasmatic scene is not
that of a fascinating scene to be looked at, but the
notion that ‘there is someone out there looking at
us’; it is not a dream, but the notion that ‘we are
the objects in someone else’s dream’.”

– S. Žižek

In English.

Production: Bombina Bombast and FyraBen, supported by
the Swedish Arts Council, the Skåne Regional Council and the
Department of Culture in Malmö.

Organisation: City of Women. In collaboration with Bunker /
Old Power Station – Elektro Ljubljana.