Pokaži in povej


Švica/Nemčija/Velika Britanija / 2013 / 70'

Pokaži in povej je eksperiment, ki izziva krhko ravnotežje med tistim, kar je izrečeno, in tistim, kar je narejeno. Phil Hayes in Simone Aughterlony upoštevata domnevno hierarhijo med omenjenima načinoma komunikacije in vzpostavita dialoško prakso, v kateri imata zaznavanje in ugotavljanje smisla enakovreden status. Kar se na začetku morda zdi prisiljena ločenost, je v resnici vabilo občinstvu, da izkusi dve različni vrsti pozornosti. Srečamo se z (njegovo) zgodbo telesa in telesom, ki obuja (njeno) zgodbo. Phil in Simone naredita, kar izrečeta, in izrečeta, kar naredita. Ta paradoks ni brez smisla. Gre za igrivo strategijo. Od začetnih ločenih teritorijev Pokaži in povej odpre skupen prostor za pogajanje, v katerem beseda in gib vstopata v kompleksno politiko interakcij zunaj običajnih hierarhij. Medtem ko ona artikulira veliko teles, poskuša on ugrabiti organizem občinstva. Ona s svojo prisotnostjo kontaminira njegov glas, hkrati pa jo njegovo sugestivno vijuganje odnaša in oddaljuje. Tako pripovedovalca zgodb kot zabavljača ona in on podrobno načrtujeta generične zgodovine/zgodbe morebitnega telesa, ki nikoli ni preprosto dano kot celota, ampak vstopa v našo zavest najpogosteje v trenutkih zloma. To telo je nemi protagonist, imaginarni tretji tega dueta. Njegov življenjepis se piše v zgovornih brazgotinah in boleznih. Krvavi in se celi, raste in razpada – avtentično spektakularno. Ali fantastično resnično?

Koncept: Simone Aughterlony
Izvajalca: Simone Aughterlony & Phil Hayes
Dramaturško svetovanje: Constanze Schellow & Jorge León
Scenografija: Janina Audick
Kostumi: Judith Steinmann
Oblikovanje luči: Florian Bach
Zvok: Susanne Affolter
Glasbeno svetovanje: Marcel Blatti
Vodja produkcije: Anna Wagner

V angleščini.

Vstopnice: 7 € / 5 €

Produkcija Verein für allgemeines Wohl, v koprodukciji z La Bâtie – Festival de Genève, Gessnerallee Zürich, Hebbel am Ufer Berlin. S podporo Stadt Zürich Kultur, Fachstelle Kultur Kanton Zürich, Pro Helvetia Swiss Arts Council.

Trilogijo so omogočili: NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ (NPN) International Guest Performance Fund for Dance, ki ga na osnovi odločitve nemškega Bundestaga financira zvezni komisar za kulturo in medije, Stadt Zürich Kultur, Kanton Zürich Fachstelle Kultur in Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia. 

Organizacija: Mesto žensk v sodelovanju z Bunker / Stara mestna elektrarna - Elektro Ljubljana.
Pogostitev v sodelovanju z Veleposlaništvom Švice v Sloveniji. 


Show & Tell


Switzerland/Germany/Great Britain / 2013 / 70'

Show & Tell sets up an experiment that challenges the fragile relationship between what is said and what is done. Phil Hayes and Simone Aughterlony consider the supposed pecking order between these two modes of communication and establish a dialogical practice whereby sensing and sense making have equal status. What may initially seem like a forced separation is actually an invitation to the audience to experience two different kinds of attention. We encounter the (his) story of a body and a body evoking (her)story. Phil and Simone do what they say, and they say what they do. This paradox is not redundant. It is a playful strategy. Starting from separate territories Show & Tell opens up a shared space for negotiation in which word and movement enter into a complex politics of interaction outside of habitual hierarchies. While she articulates as many bodies he tries to hijack the organism of the audience in a heartbeat. Contaminating his voice with her presence she is taken apart and away with its suggestive meandering. Both storyteller as well as show(wo)man, she and he map out the generic hi/stories of a possible body that is never simply given as a whole, but steps into our consciousness mostly in moments of break down. This body is the silent prota gonist, the imaginary third of this duet. Its biography inscribes in eloquent scar s and significant sicknesses. It bleeds and heals, grows and falls apart – authentically spectacular. Or was it fantastically real?

Concept: Simone Aughterlony
Performance: Simone Aughterlony & Phil Hayes
Dramaturgical Advice: Constanze Schellow & Jorge León
Set Design: Janina Audick
Costumes: Judith Steinmann
Lught Design: Florian Bach
Sound: Susanne Affolter
Musical Advice: Marcel Blatti
Production Management: Anna Wagner

A production by Verein für allgemeines Wohl, in coproduction with La Bâtie – Festival de Genève, Gessnerallee Zrich, Hebbel am Ufer Berlin. Supported by Stadt Zürich Kultur, Fachstelle Kultur Kanton Zürich, Pro Helvetia Swiss Arts Council.

The Biofiction Trilogy is supported by the NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ (NPN) International Guest Performance Fund for Dance, which is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag, Stadt Zürich Kultur, Kanton Zürich Fachstelle Kultur and Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia.

Organisation: City of Women in collaboration with Bunker / Old Power Station - Ljubljana.
Catering in collaboration with Embassy of Switzerland in Slovenia.