Just in appearance sometimes as everyone else


Slovenia / 2016 / 60'
Choreographic work / premiere

The basic idea comes from “supplementees”. At
the rehearsals, during our “encounterings” we
listen to a huge number of songs on the subject of
goodbyes. And we had this idea for the title that
would be composed of one verse from the songs.
Such a verse combines two things: first, it sounds
like something not perfectly clear or fully formed;
it lingers in the air waiting to be completed. And
second, the performance deals with day-to-day life
that we deliver through certain formal procedures.
Or more precisely, through certain methods of
“doing” we search for cracks through which
we can perform day-to-day life. The transition
between formal procedures and spontaneity
creates a junction, the exchange of singleness,
individuality and generality.

Kaja Lorenci

Created by: Kaja Lorenci
Co-created and performed by:
 Žigan Kranjčan, Katja Legin, Kaja Lorenci, Dejan Srhoj, Nataša Živković 
Music: sz3 
Dramaturge: Rok Vevar 
Light Design: Urška Vohar 
Photo: Nada Žgank 
Translations: Katja Kosi 
Executive Producer: Sabina Potočki

In Slovene.

Production: Emanat
Co-production: Bunker / Old Power Station - Elektro Ljubljana 
Partner: City of Women