Musica Femina


Project presentation

Musica Femina is a two-year cooperation project of four
international partners who share visions of gender equality in the
cultural and artistic sector. By 2020, a variety of activities will have
been implemented in different local environments, highlighting the
creativity of women in music, facilitating new creations and
transnational mobility of artists as well as proposing discursive
programs and implementing structural changes in regard to equality in
the music industry.

Opening speech and presentation of the Musica Femina exhibition in Vienna: Irene Suchy ( Vienna).

Presentation of partners and the discussion on questions of women in music in local contexts: Bettina Wackernagell (Heroines of Sound, Berlin), Samu Gryllus (Gryllus Kft, Budapest), Nina Dragičević and Teja Reba (City of Women, Ljubljana).

// in English //

Production and organization: City of Women. Co-production: Bunker.