

Švica/Nemčija/ZDA / 2015 / 75'

Biofikcija je redka ljubezenska zgodba med
mnogimi, nepričakovana poseka v divjini, ki ponuja
pogled od blizu na zbir človeškega in ne-človeškega
in njunih afektov. Iz prevpraševanja vibrirajoče snovi
vznikne koreografska pesnitev, ki je hkrati previdna
in skrajno libidinalna.

Z ostalinami prejšnjih dveh del Biofikcijske
– živo rožnata tla, les in rokodelsko
orodje, težka debela vrv, naravno in umetno
prepletanje fluidov in materialov – ustvarja
Biofikcija nov horizontalni teren, ki napeljuje na
mnoštvo akterjev brez ontološke hierarhije. Kar
bi običajno razumeli kot neprimerne dražljaje, je
tu obravnavano zaradi vseh čutnih in specifičnih
kvalitet, ki vzbujajo iracionalno ljubezen do
materialnega. Intimni odnos, ples, ki razpira akte
dela, užitka, sobivanja in preprosto ‘biti z’, zavrača
normativne delitve med naravo in kulturo, moškim
in ženskim in vsakršno podobno binarnost. Praksa
reorientacije in redistribucije čutov generira queer zavest ter afirmira pokrajino, ki je hkrati
prisotna in utopična. Vidimo stereotipe in prototipe,
prepoznamo slast v napačni prepoznavi, morda se
navkljub samim sebi celo smejemo. Razumevanje
Biofikcije v smislu narativa seksualnosti, ki še ne
obstaja, vzbuja radovednost – zaradi kljubovanja
konvencijam ali identifikaciji je to koreografsko delo
konstantna praksa ‘worldbuildinga’, tj. konstrukcije
imaginarnega sveta.

Je to raziskava giba, glasba ali zabavna
post-pornografska praksa? Karkoli že je, telesa in
spremljevalne snovi spravi v dialog, v katerem
ugotovijo, da ne obstaja razlika med biti vznemirjen,
biti vznemirljiv in biti vznemirjen-z.

Izvedba: Simone Aughterlony, Jen Rosenblit, Hahn Rowe 
Koncept: Simone Aughterlony 
Glasba v živo: Hahn Rowe 
Dramaturško svetovanje:
Saša Božić, Jorge León 
Kostumografija: Judith Steinmann 
Oblikovanje luči: Florian Bach 
Tehnična direktorica: Ursula Degen 
Vodja produkcije: Sina Kießling 
Produkcija: Simone Aughterlony
Koprodukcija: Gessnerallee Zurich,
HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm
Frankfurt, Theater Freiburg

V angleščini.

Vstopnice: 7 € / 5 €

Trilogijo so omogočili: NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ (NPN) International Guest Performance Fund for Dance, ki ga na osnovi odločitve nemškega Bundestaga financira zvezni komisar za kulturo in medije, Stadt Zürich Kultur, Kanton Zürich Fachstelle Kultur in Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia. 

Organizacija: Mesto žensk v sodelovanju z Bunker / Stara mestna elekrarna - Elektro Ljubljana.

Umetnice in sodelujoče
Simone Aughterlony
Hahn Rowe



Switzerland/Germany/USA / 2015 / 75'

Biofiction is a rare love story between many, an unexpected clearing on a wilderness that offers a close-up on human and non-human assemblages and their affects. Situated within an inquiry into vibrant matter, a choreographic poem emerges that is both careful and utterly libidinal.

Gathering the remains of the previous two works in The Biofiction Trilogy – the hot pink flesh placeholder, wood and crafting tools, the rope that weaves, the natural and artificial entanglement of fluids and materials – Biofiction creates a new horizontal terrain that renders a plurality of agencies without ontological hierarchy. What may ordinarily be considered inadequate stimuli is now attended to for all its sensual and specific qualities, cultivating an irrational love of matter. The intimate rapport, the dance that spectrums acts of labour, pleasure, cohabitation and simply ‘being with’ refuses the normative divisions between nature and culture, male and female or any such binary.

A practice of reorienting and redistributing the senses generates a queer consciousness and affirms a landscape that is both present and utopian. We see stereotypes and prototypes, we recognize then delight in misrecognition, we may even laugh despite ourselves. Understanding Biofiction in terms of a narrative of sexuality that does not yet exist sustains curiosity - defying conventions or identification renders this choreographic work as a continuous world-building practice.

Is this movement research, music or fun post-porn practice? Beyond the associations, it brings the bodies and companion materials in conversation to know no difference between being excited, being exciting and being excited-with.

Performance: Simone Aughterlony, Jen Rosenblit, Hahn Rowe 
Concept: Simone Aughterlony 
Live Music: Hahn Rowe 
Dramaturgical Advice: Saša Božić, Jorge León 
Costume: Judith Steinmann 
Light Design: Florian Bach 
Technical Director: Ursula Degen 
Production Management: Sina Kießling 
Production: Simone Aughterlony
Coproduction: Gessnerallee Zurich, HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt, Theater Freiburg


The Biofiction Trilogy is supported by the NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ (NPN) International Guest Performance Fund for Dance, which is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag, Stadt Zürich Kultur, Kanton Zürich Fachstelle Kultur and Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia. 

Organisation: City of Women in collaboration with Bunker / Old Power Station - Elektro Ljubljana.