10. oktober 2016

Ljubljana - mesto žensk


Slovenija / 2016 / 60'
Predstavitev arhitekturnega
vodiča MoMoWo. Women.
Architecture & Design
Itineraries across Europe

in vodeni ogled itinerarija
Ljubljana – mesto žensk.  

Katarina Mohar, soavtorica vodiča in
ustvarjalke predstavljenih arhitekturnih
dosežkov, Mateja Panter, Špela Kuhar in
Polona Filipič, se bodo z vami sprehodile
po mestu ter na koncu vodile po razstavi V
ospredje. Pionirke slovenske arhitekture in

Arhitekturna razstava, ki je nastala
na pobudo Centra arhitekture Slovenije,
Umetnostnozgodovinskega inštituta
Franceta Steleta ZRC SAZU, v sodelovanju z
galerijo DESSA, želi osvetliti življenje in delo
spregledanega dela slovenskega ženskega
arhitekturnega ustvarjanja in ponuja
priložnost, da iz bogatega arhitekturnega
opusa 20. stoletja izpostavimo tista dela, ki
so le redko razstavljena in na ogled javnosti,
vendar zato nič manj pomembna, kakovostna
in večplastna.

Razstava v Atriju ZRC SAZU bo odprta od 3. 10. do 15.
10. med 9.00 – 18.00 (razen med dogodki v Atriju).

V slovenščini. Potrebna je predhodna najava na: kmohar@zrc-sazu.si.

Prost vstop.

Center arhitekture Slovenije in Umetnostnozgodovinski inštitut
Franceta Steleta ZRC SAZU, v sodelovanju s knjigarno Azil in s
podporo JAK RS.

Umetnice in sodelujoče
Katarina Mohar
Mateja Panter
Špela Kuhar
Polona Filipič

Ljubljana - City of women

Ljubljana - City of women / City of architects


Slovenia / 2016 / 60'
Presentation of the
Architectural Guide MoMoWo.
Women. Architecture & Design
Itineraries across Europe
a guided tour of the itinerary
Ljubljana – City of women.  

Katarina Mohar, one of the co-authors of
the guide, and the creators of the presented
architectural achievements Mateja Panter,
Špela Kuhar and Polona Filipič, will guide
you through the city and at the end offer a
visit of the exhibition To the Forefront. Women
Pioneers of Slovenian Architecture and Design

The architectural exhibition curated in
collaboration with DESSA Gallery by the
Centre of Slovenian Architecture and the
Franc Stele Institute of Art History aims to
highlight the overlooked Slovenian women
architectural creativity and provides an
opportunity to point to those works of the rich
architectural oeuvre of the 20th century that
have rarely been exhibited and displayed to
the public, but are no less important, of high
quality, and complex.

The exhibition in the Atrium of the Research Centre
of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts will
be open 3rd to 15th October / 9 am to 6 pm (except
during the events at the Atrium).

In Slovene. Please, make prior reservations at kmohar@zrc-sazu.si.

Prost vstop.

Franc Stele Institute of Art History of the Research Centre of
the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, JAK, Slovenian
Book Agency.