12. oktober 2016
14.00 – 18.00
13. oktober 2016
14.00 – 18.00
14. oktober 2016
14.00 – 18.00
15. oktober 2016
9.00 – 16.00
16. oktober 2016
9.00 – 16.00

Vrtovi govorijo


Libanon/Velika Britanija / 2014 / 60'
Zvočna instalacija

»… še mrtvi ne bodo varni pred sovražnikom, če on zmaga.«
– Walter Benjamin

Interaktivna zvočna instalacija, ki vsebuje ustno zgodovino desetih običajnih ljudi, pokopanih v sirijskih vrtovih. Vsaka pripoved je bila skrbno rekonstruirana s pomočjo prijateljev in družinskih članov preminulih, da bi povedala zgodbe umrlih, kot bi jih pripovedovali sami. Zgodbe so dopolnjene z najdenimi zvočnimi posnetki, ki pričajo o njihovih zadnjih trenutkih.

Vodja produkcije: Jessica Harrington

Raziskovalna asistentka in piska (arabščina): Keenana Issa
Kaligrafija in oblikovanje nagrobnikov: Dia Batal

Scenografija: Abir Saksouk

Scenska postavitev: SPLEX Flexible Designs & Presentation

Snemanje in montaža zvoka: Khairy Eibesh (Stronghold Sound)

V angleščini. Prilagojeno za slepe in slabovidne.
Udeležba na dogodku poteka v skupinah po 10 obiskovalcev hkrati.
Potrebna je predhodna najava na: contact@cityofwomen.org

Vstopnice: 7 € / 5 €

Sonaročniki: Fierce, Next Wave and Live at LICA.
Developed through the Artsadmin Artists’ Bursary Scheme.
S podporo: Arts Council of England and British Council.

Organizacija: Mesto žensk. V sodelovanju z zavodom Bunker / Stara mestna elektrarna - Elektro Ljubljana


Umetnice in sodelujoče
Tania El Khoury

Gardens Speak


Lebanon/Great Britain / 2014 / 60'
Sound Installation

“… even the dead will not be safe from the enemy if he wins.”
– Walter Benjamin

Gardens Speak is an interactive sound installation containing the oral histories of 10 ordinary people who have been buried in Syrian gardens. Each narrative has been carefully constructed in collaboration with the friends and family members of the deceased, retelling their stories as they themselves would have recounted them. They are compiled with found audio that evidences their final moments.

Production Manager : Jessica Harrington 
Research Assistant and Writer (Arabic): Keenana Issa
Calligraphy and Tombstones Design: Dia Batal 
Set Design: Abir Saksouk 
Set Construction: SPLEX Flexible Designs & Presentation 
Sound Recording & Editing: Khairy Eibesh (Stronghold Sound)


Co-commissioned by Fierce, Next Wave and Live at LICA. Developed through the Artsadmin Artists’ Bursary Scheme.
Supported by Arts Council of England and British Council.

Organisation: City of Women. In collaboration with Bunker / Old Power Station - Elektro Ljubljana